Application for contract input, search, and printing

Application for input, search, and printing of contracts

The web application for input, search, and printing of vehicle rental contracts for the company Revian offers various functionalities to facilitate contract management processes. Here are some common functionalities and potential upgrades that your web application can include:

    Contract entry: Users can input vehicle rental contract data through the interface. The application allows entry of relevant data such as dates, client information, vehicle details, rental duration, and other essential details.

    Contract search: Users can search existing contracts based on various parameters such as date, client, vehicle, etc. The search feature allows quick access to desired contracts.

    Contract printing: The application enables the printing of contracts from the archive. Users can select the desired contract, and the application generates a formatted version for printing or saving.

    Additional module for generating contracts in PDF format: This upgrade allows users to generate contracts in PDF format via the application. Generated PDF contracts can be downloaded from the server and stored on users' computers.

    Data security: Implementing data security and limiting access to authorized users ensures that only authorized persons can access, edit, and view contract data.

Possible upgrades:

    Automatic contract number generation: Adding functionality that automatically generates unique numbers for each new contract entry.

    Notifications and reminders: Adding functionalities to send notifications and reminders to users about rental expirations or other important dates.

    Integration with electronic signature: Enabling users to digitally sign contracts via the web application.
    Statistics and reports: Adding functionality to generate statistics and reports on vehicle rental contracts.

The cost of the web application for input, search, and printing of vehicle rental contracts depends on various factors such as:

    Scope and complexity of functionalities: More functionalities and complex requirements demand more time and resources for development.

    User interface design: More advanced and attractive designs can affect the cost.

    Integrations with other systems: If integration with other systems such as databases, payments, or electronic signatures is required, it may affect the cost.

    Development time: A larger project or shorter delivery times can affect the cost.

It's best to consult with our team of experts to get an accurate estimate of the cost of the web application for input, search, and printing of vehicle rental contracts. They will analyze your specific requirements and provide you with a detailed estimate after consultations.

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